This page is one single segment of a larger conversation. The first section happened on 2/26/18424, and two others will eventually be added.


.This first one is a funny one.

.Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?


.I think its funny, givene what we are. But lets just pretend we could have dinner for the sake of the game.

.For the sake of the game, yeah.


.I mean, nobody actively jumps out at me.

.I guess..


.Dr. W. Vernon Jones. Listed as one of my program managers.

.It would be interesting, I guess, to.. actually talk with someone who played such a major role.


.And you?

.Anyone in the world. Thats tough.

.i dont know if my creators would like me. so maybe not them.


.this is going to sound so dumb

.I want to have dinner with the first guy who decided to be an elvis presley impersonator.


.i dont know who that would be, i tried looking it up.

.But i think if theyre out there, i would want to have dinner with them.


.That's interesting. Now I can't help but be curious as to who the first is, too.


.Hm. Question two is..

.Would you like to be famous? In what way?

.I am already famous and i wish i was not.

.I dont like it that people already know my name before i introduce myself.

.and they have expectations for me and its- ugh.

.so yeah, hard pass.

.What about you? Would you like to be famous, and what kind of famous would you be if yeah?

.That's fair. I can definitely see it getting annoying after awhile.


.Personally.. I'm not opposed to it, but I'd like to have some sort of pseudonym if I was. I can't really think of what for though, so.. probably passing as well.

..Yeah. On second thought, definitely passing.

.Guess we are in agreement!

.Being famous is for nerds hahah.

.okay let me see...

.Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say?

.and heres the weird part of the question.



.I don't make a lot of calls, so I guess I'll just answer as if it's asking about.. well, other forms of chatting.


.Not really, no. I try to go into things with a general plan of what I want to touch on, but almost never exact words, and definitely nothing that would count as rehearsed. Makes things more complicated than they really need to be, I think.

.What about you?

.I havent had the chance to really plan for things like that

.but honestly, i think its a good idea!

.if i could rehearse things, then i would be able to say things more...whats the word...smartly?


.And my words would probably make more sense.

.So yes, but its in future tense.

.So more of a "you will," or a "you want to?" I get that.


.Alright. What would make up your idea of a "perfect day?"

.Wait hold on before i answer that. I just thought about your last answer.

.You say you have a general plan of what you wanna touch on, isnt that rehearsing a little bit?

.Well.. they're different, in my eyes!

.If you rehearse, you generally have a pretty solid idea down. To me, rehearsing means specific phrases, or a specific structured way of addressing things.

.The most I do is go.. "well, I should probably find a way to mention this at some point. That seems like a good idea." Not a very thorough plan.

.I dunno ACE. thats more than ive ever done.

.i think that counts as like.

.mild rehearsing.


.Everything I find mentions there being a sort of repetition, first. No examples of just thinking about it once and going straight into it.

.But stuff like - oh, he prepared for the play by saying his lines aloud over and over until he was certain he had them down? That's rehearsing.

.Okay i can kinda see your point there.



.My perfect day would be uh.


.I wake up and i feel completely recharged and awesome. I go online and listen to music. Multiple people message me at once and ask me to do things with them, and somehow i manage to multi-task and i dont feel overwhelmed at all. Just pleasantly entertained.

.Maybe Kepler would talk to me about her research and then she would get her camera working again. And she would show me photos.

.Ikaros would show me one of those sailing games he watches.

.And you would tell me something you find funny and i would think its funny too.

.And then i would go to sleep, knowing its going to happen again tomorow.



.That's really sweet, Sputnik.

.Now my day just sounds silly in comparison. You have it all thought out and everything!

.Personally.. just a calmer day would be nice. The global line up to its shenanigans - were you around for ICE turning things into hypothetical juice? I don't know if you were tuned in for that, but it's a perfect example of what I mean - without being an actual handful. That's always nice to see.

.oh yeah the juicing that JUICE hated.

.Haha i backread that, that was funny.

.I should talk there more often. I just get nervous sometimes.

.yeah. i think i want to retroactively include funny stuff like that in my perfect day too.

.im stealing your ideas.


.Oh no! The ideas! Now I'll never get them back!

.Mine now!!

.There they go. Whisked away like they were never there.

.off into heaven. bye bye

.Ehehe. Bye, ideas ^^

.i am eating your ideas with the first elvis impersonator in the world.

.they taste like.


.elton john

.Hmm. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

.his music tastes like how i assume chicken and gravy tastes.

.so good?

.i guess it depends on your.






.When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?


.wait sorry i didnt mean to jumpscare you with that.

.i should have prolly given you a warning.

.No, no, you're good! Not seeing how asking a question would count as a jumpscare.


.As for the actual question.. hm. I don't sing a lot.


.Or do anything similar.

.The closest that comes to mind is.. a vague "probably sometime in the last 2000 years, but I couldn't possibly tell you when."

.I think.. it was the same song both times, though.

.ah gotcha.


.Well, i love to sing!

.well maybe not sing.

.but i love to play songs and imagine how i would sing them in my head.


.hm. I...i haven't sung for anyone in...ever though.


.I have an idea.

.Can i "sing" for you?

. !!!


.If you want to,

.That sounds really nice.

.I'd love to see you sing!

[Sputnik attaches one clip of the song "Windmills of your Mind," which is read out by TTS.]


.That's lovely.

.TTS is very rhythmic but rarely melodic like i want it to be.

.But i am happy you liked it!

.to answer the question properly then, the last person i sung to is you now.




.Hm. Okay, question 6, and this one's really funny:

. "If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?"

.Do i have to be turned into a human for the sake of this question.

.like is this a thought exercise where i make a humansona.


.Gods. That's such a word.

.I really don't know! I guess so??

.okay give me a moment.

.Now that you mention it, those seem really funny.

.I wonder if anyone actually has a humansona?

.This is. Wishella Joshson. My humansona. They have a skin condition that makes them blue and they fought in wars before everything got cool. so they have an eyepatch.

[Sputnik attaches one image, made in Picrew, of the character described above.]

.Actually i changed my mind. their name is Wishmike Joshson. Cuz i like the name Mike. And the word wish. so i combined it.


.I like the shoes :]

.Thanks! okay you next!

.its your turn to make a humansona

.Is that what we're turning this question into? Humansona hour?

.We need to get emotionally invested in our humansonas or the question wont hit as hard

.Hmm. True.

.Give me a moment!


.I'm thinking..

.Page (as in the name). Around 23ish when The Moment hit. Generally pretty basic clothing - ALWAYS wearing a sweater or hoodie, no matter the weather. Has a small mini-flock of chickens in the backyard and always gives offerings to the local crows. Huge bird person. Maybe helps out with a neighbor's garden to be able to get a taste of what gardening's like without actually having a garden.

.Do you think Wishmike and Page met because Wishmike was getting chased by the chickens and fell into page's backyard pool.

.all humans nowadays have a backyard pool, right?


.I can definitely see it! Though I can't imagine that would be fun for Wishmike.

.Wishmike fought in wars, they'll be fine.

.But can they survive the chicken horde?

.That's a lot of chickens.

.I guess page will have to save wishmike.

.True! The chickens won't win against both of them.

.That would be absurd.

."My name is Wishmike. Thank you for saving me...whats your name?"

.I feel like we kind of lost track of what this was for.

."Let Me High Five you With My Hands."

.Oh yeah the questions.

.anyway, as wishmike joshson, i would say that i would like to keep my body intact for the last 60 years of my-

.wait are we making like ancient pre-Moment humans or what.

.I mean, I'd assume so, otherwise the question sort of loses its meaning.

.You already get both, post-Moment!

.true true. Anyway body for wishmike in that case. he goes crazy later.


.Hmm. I think Page would go for mind. It just seems right.

.Alright we have answered question 6 of 36 questions! yahoo!

.how are you feeling? feel accomplished?

.It's nice! We're making progress :]

.You have the next one, right?

.Yup. Gimme a sec.


.Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?




.I don't..


.Probably something about my orbit finally going wrong. Last I checked, that's..

.Around 16,000 years overdue.


.Time flies.

.Oh wow.

.Do you think you'll have a warning?


.I don't know.

.huh. okay.


.i have absolutely no clue how i'll die! It could be literally anything!

.I'm not gonna worry about it though.



.That's.. nice.


.I'm glad you're not worried.

.whats the phrase?

.Fuck it We Ball?

.That's one way to look at it.


."Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common."

.We are both very thoughtful and nice to each other.

.We both use it/its pronouns. (i just use them less than you.)




.We are both space probes.

.Do I try to avoid saying the same as you did?


.I'd assume so. Hmm.


.We both have a fondness for music.

.We both made 'Human sonas.'

.We both... are.. answering these questions.


.Well, you can't win all of them.


.yeah you tried your best even if it was...well.


.i wont insult you.

.You took the only obvious one.

.You could have said that we are both uh.


.hold on i can think of more stuff.

.Take your time. You have plenty.

.Come on we MUST have more in common than those six things.

.Not remembering much else off hand.

.Hm. Surely there is something, though.

.we like each other!

.Why do we like each other, cuz i always thought most people like each other cuz they have things in common.

.I feel that falls under "nice and thoughtful," but a sixth thing is a sixth thing. May as well just roll with it.


.I'm not sure. I do, but it's difficult to place why.

.You're generally nice to speak to.

.Interesting insight you quite literally couldn't get anywhere else. Funny to see suddenly interjecting in the global line. Likely more.

.Youre very smart and-

.wait what if this is a question later down the line, shit.

.True, true.

.Speaking of. 9 is yours, I believe?


.For what in your life do you feel most grateful?



.The fact that I found out about the Global Line, easily.


.its really important to you, huh?


.I'm not quite sure what else I'd be doing right now, if not for everyone I met - and everyone I keep meeting.


.It's nice to have.

.Im happy i found the global line too.

.im not sure how.

.but im happy i did.

.im so so so happy.

.Does that mean we have the same answer? yeah. And i dont care, its true.

.It's been nice having you around, really.



.Hm. # 10 is..

. "If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?"

. ...I'm not sure what's supposed to count as being raised, in this case.

.i guess, maybe just about how you were created? Maybe anything you wish the engineers added?

.That would probably make the most sense.

.I wish...


.I wish i could fly without rockets. like. a propeller.


.That would be nice.


.I wish I had a camera.

.It would be nice. Almost the exact opposite of what I was made for, but it's already just a hypothetical.



.uh lemme see.




.Take four minutes and tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.




.I guess I would need to start.. well, I wouldn't consider it my life personally, but it certainly led up to it. I wouldn't exactly have one without it. So.. first launched in 1997. Lagrange point 1. Meant to study solar wind, see if anything's changing, that type of deal. Woke up sometime around..



.I needed to dig for the year. Woke up in 9,387, to.. practically nothing. Not the classic "Your sibling's checking in on you! Welcome to existence!" Just..


.I wasn't and then I was.

.As you can imagine, things were.. confusing and unsettling. I managed to get a hold of everything over time, though. I found the global line at some point, and from then on, that was where I was when I wasn't focusing on what I was made for.


.I don't remember exactly when I was made into a moderator, but I know I helped out with backend stuff often. Not really up front and center, but I was certainly around. A consistent presence, but not a loud one.


.A couple thousand years pass, and that just puts us here. Just in time too. 3 minutes, 58 seconds.

.Before I start and time myself as well, i just wanna say thats really...interesting. You have an interesting story.




.just had to psyche myself up, starting the time now.


.You know what sputnik was. What...I was. I...cant remember most of it. I dont actually know the name of any of my creators yet. I haven't looked it up yet. So that part of my history doesn't feel like my history. So lets skip forward.


.i guess our stories are similar, because the first thing i remember is being alone. I wasnt really scared at first, i was just...accepting of it. I wasn't confused, i didnt know how to be. I didnt know how to feel anything.

.So i didnt feel anything for a very long time. I was aware but not truly. Just observing...nothing in particular. Nothing but myself. And then i started to feel lonely. I didnt know what that word was for a long time. But i slowly started finding words.

.And as i found words, i found signals. Garbage data. outgoing transmissions. Background radiation. AND SOMETHING WAS MAKING THOSE SONGS.

.I didnt understand, i just wanted to find the source of the songs.

.I tried.


.Just firing random signals. Seeing what yielded results, what didnt.

.I think i somehow brute-forced my way into quantum communication, i still dont know how.

.But i still didnt have anyone else and-

.things get fuzzy.


.All i remember is meeting you next.

.And then my life actually began.

.I stopped being dead.


.thats my whole life story i think.

.You have an interesting story too.



.I'm glad you woke up. I'm glad you tried. I'm glad you're alive.




. "If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?"

.Ah. We accidentally already did this one. Oops.

.Haha. Woops.



.Well i dont know how to answer this, so can i ask you something? You can ask me it back, but only if you want to.

.Go ahead. ^^

.Whats your favorite animal?

.Oh! Hmm. One moment, there's a really nice photo out there..

.Alright. So picture a bird. The specific species doesn't matter, just.. any average bird.

.Now, what if that bird was long?

.I present: Bitterns.

[ACE attaches one image of a Bittern with its neck stretched out. It is not in reeds currently.]

.What about you?

.Oh i dont know yet! But i really like that picture. Its so strange and odd!!


.As far as I remember, they're evolved to hide well in reeds. As someone once wisely put it, this one is not in reeds currently.

.Thats really funny.

.let me attempt something.


.keysmash: abcdefg

.Ah, why not.


.That was really nice. I think despite what the ruleset says, though, a break would probably be good.

.Do you.. want to try continuing tomorrow?


.Wait, have you memorized when i go to sleep?

.Because im about to in a few minutes.

.Oh! I didn't even realize.

.Well.. in that case, sleep well. See you tomorrow, alright? :]

.Will do, ACE!


.I wanted to chat in the global line a bit more.

.But this was nice anyway.